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Tickets, Sponsorships, & Donations

April 4: Early Bird Ticket Deadline
April 17: RSVP Deadline
April 15-22: Online Auction


Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Early Bird Auction Ticket (by April 4)
500 Remaining

Pay What You Wish Auction Ticket (STEP 1) $0.00

We do not want cost to be a barrier for our parents to attend the Auction. We have a limited number of Pay What You Wish tickets. Limit two tickets per family. Please indicate here how many Pay What You Wish tickets you are purchasing - AND please use the option directly below to pay for your tickets. 

Pay What You Wish Ticket Payment (STEP 2) $0.00

Please indicate here your total payment for any Pay What You Wish Tickets you are purchasing. 

Sponsor a Faculty/Staff Ticket $0.00
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

$5,000 Noble Knight Family Sponsorship (2 included) $0.00
  • Recognition as a Family Sponsor at the $5,000 level on all promotional and event materials, including: all dedicated Auction web pages, electronic newsletters, social media, and the Auction program
  • Recognition during the Auction event
  • Admission for two to the Auction on April 13, 2024 with Food & Beverage
  • 10 Best-of-Live Raffle Tickets Supports
  • 10 Faculty & Staff Admissions to the Auction
  • Auction Underwriting: a portion of your purchase represents a tax deductible gift to Burke ($2,460)

$2,500 Royal Alchemist Family Sponsorship (2 included) $0.00
  • Recognition as a Family Sponsor at the $2,500 level on all promotional and event materials, including: all dedicated Auction web pages, electronic newsletters, and social media, and the Auction program
  • Recognition during the Auction event
  • Admission for two to the Auction on April 13, 2024 with Food & Beverage
  • 5 Best-of-Live Raffle Tickets
  • Supports 5 Faculty & Staff Admissions to the Auction
  • Auction Underwriting: a portion of your purchase represents a tax deductible gift to Burke ($1,060)

$1,000 Bold Falconer Family Sponsorship (2 included) $0.00

Class package donations are used to support special auction items and packages. We will soon share a list of special items that each class will be supporting. Please note that if you have students in multiple classes, your donation will be divided evenly between/among their classes (we'll take care of that on our end!). 

$500 Loyal Page Family Sponsorship (2 included) $0.00
  • Recognition as a Family Sponsor at the $1,000 level on all promotional and event materials, including: all dedicated Auction web pages, electronic newsletters, and social media, and the Auction program
  • Admission for two to the Auction on April 13, 2024 with Food & Beverage
  • 2 Best-of-Live Raffle Tickets
  • Supports 2 Faculty & Staff Admissions to the Auction
  • Auction Underwriting: a portion of your purchase represents a tax deductible gift to Burke ($220)
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

$10,000 Champion of the Realm Business Sponsorship $0.00

$5,000 Knight of the Round Table Business Sponsorship $0.00

$2,500 Squire of the Realm Business Sponsorship $0.00

$1,000 Sword & Shield Business Sponsorship $0.00

$500 Bow & Arrow Business Sponsorship $0.00
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Best-of-Live Raffle (One Ticket)
500 Remaining

Best-of-Live-Raffle (Three Tickets)
500 Remaining

If your raffle ticket is pulled on April 26th at the Auction, you will automatically win the (pre-selected) Live Auction item of your choice, and it will be removed from the Live Auction. You do not need to be physically present at the Auction to win. Your prize choice MUST be identified in advance, or you will be awarded the default prize. We will soon share a list of Live Auction items for you to choose from. If you are purchasing your Best-of-Live Raffle Tickets before these options are available, we will follow up with you. 

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Class Package $0.00

Each year, we hope families will consider a contribution to Class Packages. Dollars raised will go toward very special or live Auction items and packages from each grade (these will be announced soon!). If your family has students in more than one class at Burke, we will evenly divide your contribution among the classes. Contributions to Class Packages are tax deductible.

Registration opens: Monday, March 10, 2025
Registration closes: Thursday, April 17, 2025

I would like to make an additional donation to Financial Aid

I authorize Edmund Burke School to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Edmund Burke School Auction for Financial Aid 2025. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.